Tools for content maintenance & administration
Maintenance and administration
The Vizzit toolsets for maintenance and management assist you with ensuring that your website is up-to-date, relevant, and devoid of broken links. The toolsets provide you with information on what pages lack page views, what links are non-functional, what pages have content that needs updating, which editors are responsible for what areas, and much more.

My Vizzit – Your toolset portal
Through the My Vizzit portal, you are provided with an overview of your websites’ status, and information regarding how many actions need to be taken in each Vizzit toolset. You can also reach all toolsets through the portal. My Vizzit also displays information regarding the number of urgent required actions, links to select reports (chosen by you), as well as the ability to bring up information pertaining to the pages you are personally responsible for.
Action in three easy steps

Click on the red smiley to show which issues need to be fixed.

The toolsets take you to the page that needs to be fixed in your CMS.

The green smiley is displayed when an issue has been resolved.
Action email
To facilitate the work process of website editors, Vizzit offers a user-friendly action email. This action email is sent with regular intervals to each editor whenever pages under their purview require some form of action, be it updating, correcting broken links, or other. By clicking one of the links in the action email, the editor is taken directly to the corresponding toolset, where they can easily correct issues identified by the toolset.