GDPR-compliant tools for web analytics and maintenance
Vizzit provides you with easy-to-read visitor statistics, insights into your customers’ behaviours, more effective web maintenance, and the ability to easily prioritise work on your most important pages.
Time to replace Google Analytics
Many public organisations, government agencies and private companies use Google Analytics. A very competent and appreciated web analytics toolset, though considered by many to lack user friendliness. However, its use is no longer allowed in the EU.
The reason: In July 2020, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) changed the requirements for transferring personally identifiable information (PII) from the EU to the USA, by invalidating the EU-US Privacy Shield framework. The decision affects government agencies, public institutions, and mid- to large-sized private corporations, who are now forced to look to other solutions for their web analytics needs.
Why are you no longer allowed to use Google Analytics in the EU?
The 2020 decision by the CJEU means that one can no longer collect and transmit PII regarding EU citizens to the USA the same way as before. PII includes, among other things, names, street addresses, and social security numbers. In cases where cookies are set by websites, these may also count as PII. What many people do not realise is that PII also includes IP addresses. And this is where the CJEU decision becomes a problem for Google Analytics users.
It’s entirely possible to refrain from collecting names and street addresses, and turn off cookies. But when using Google Analytics, IP addresses are always collected and sent to Google, whether the user wants to or not. Even if the information can be filtered or anonymised once it arrives, the damage is done. For this reason, Google Analytics can no longer be used by public institutions, government agencies and private corporations in the EU.
What happens if you continue using Google Analytics?
Since the CJEU ruling, the Swedish Authority of Privacy Protection (formerly the Swedish Data Protection Authority), IMY, has received a number of complaints against Swedish corporations and organisations that use Google Analytics. It’s interesting to note that the IMY, in November 2020, subsequently chose to launch an investigation of several private corporations, but no government agencies. What ramifications this will have remains to be seen. The most likely outcome is that the investigated corporations will be forced to stop using Google Analytics. It’s reasonable to assume that continued use will lead to fines or other penalties.
Vizzit offers a GDPR-compliant alternative
There are alternatives to Google Analytics that can be used within the EU. Vizzit is one of them. We offer toolsets for web analytics, where all data is stored on Vizzits own servers in Sweden (EU). The client owns all data collected on their behalf, and decides what data should be used and retained. No data is shared with third parties. IP addresses are collected in a manner approved by the EU. We also offer the ability to change what data is collected and stored. The toolsets can also be used without setting cookies.
Would you like to know more about Vizzits user-friendly web analytics toolsets, which can easily be integrated into many CMS? Click the button below, and we’ll contact you!
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Vizzit Portal
Vizzit Portal contains editor-specific information as well as information about the entire website.
Our happy and sad smileys
We use happy and sad smileys to point out issues and fixed issues. The smileys are displayed in Vizzit Portal next to each tool entry, which makes it easy to see where action needs to be taken.